Japanese tea ceremony is a choreographed ritual of preparing and serving Japanese powdered green tea.  Omotesenke (表千家) tradition is the oldest and the most prestigious school of Japanese tea ceremony.   At Sohga-an (草芽庵), we nurture a heart-to-heart connection of Omotesenke style. 草芽庵では、表千家流の直心の交わりを大切にします。

Ruriko Yamakawa (Tea Name: Soryu)

Certified Instructor of the Omotesenke Japanese Tea Tradition

Soryu had taught the Omotesenke style at the Nippon club culture courses in New York City. She conducted tea workshops at several prestigious private universities and organized numerous public tea gatherings in NYC. She established a ‘Chanoyu Center’ to promote charitable works and cultural support activities while she worked as a treasurer for Omotesenke Domonkai Eastern Region USA. In December 2021, she returned to her hometown after living in the United States for 25 years and seeks to deepen cultural communication between people in Kumamoto. 

Ruriko (Soryu) Yamakawa studied the Omotesenke-style tea culture with Haruko Kimura in Kumamoto, Japan.

2001 After earning a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from DeVry University in Atlanta, Georgia, she moved to the New York Metropolitan area and continued to study the Omotesenke tea culture with Masako Koike at SOHGA-AN tearoom in New York City.

2017 When Mrs. Koike returned to Japan, she became an instructor in the Omotesenke style tea culture at the Nippon Club Culture Courses.
She performed a tea workshop at Columbia University.

2018 She performed tea workshops at Yale University and Sarah Lawrence College.
She conducted a public tea gathering in New York City.

2019  She became the Treasurer for US Eastern Region Omotesenke Domonkai (Student and Teachers Association).
She also established the New York Chanoyu Center for the Study of Tea of the US Eastern Region Omotesenke Domonkai, and actively promoted Omotesenke style tea activities the Chanoyu Center.
She was in charge of promoting Omotesenke-style tea activities at the Chanoyu Center.
She planned and organized numerous public tea gatherings in New York City.
She performed tea workshops at Brown University and Colgate University.

Dec. 2021 She moved to Kumamoto after living in the US for 25 years.

May 2022 She hosted the charity tea gathering to support the people of Ukraine.


熊本市内の木村はる子主宰の表千家流茶道教室に入門。2001年ジョージア州デヴライ大学 会計学 学士課程卒業し、米系公認会計事務所への就職を機に、ニューヨーク近郊へ移住。小池マサ子(宗雅)主宰の「ニューヨーク表千家流草芽庵」にて、表千家流茶道の修練に臨む。

2017年  師匠の帰国に伴い、ニューヨークの日本クラブカルチャー講座「表千家流草芽庵」を引き継ぐ
同年 コロンビア大学にて表千家流茶道のデモンストレーションを実施

2018年  以下の大学にて茶道のデモンストレーション実施
 • イェール大学
 • サラ・ローレンス大学
同年 マンハッタンにて市民茶会を企画・開催する

2019年 表千家同門会米国東部支部 会計責任者就任
同年 表千家同門会米国東部支部「茶の湯センター」を開設し、同センターの活動推進を担当及び、市民茶会を企画・開催する
 • ブラウン大学
 • コルゲート大学

2021年 12月 25年近く住み慣れた米国を離れ帰郷

2022年5月 ウクライナ支援のチャリティー茶会を熊本市国際交流会館にて開催 


Ruriko Yamakawa 
Phone: (096) 381-7792