Japanese tea ceremony is a choreographed ritual of preparing and serving Japanese powdered green tea.  Omotesenke (表千家) tradition is the oldest and the most prestigious school of Japanese tea ceremony.   At Sohga-an (草芽庵), we nurture a heart-to-heart connection of Omotesenke style. 草芽庵では、表千家流の直心の交わりを大切にします。

A Heart-to-Heart Connection

The most important purpose of the Japanese tea ceremony is to create a heart-to-heart connection between a host and a guest through a bowl of tea. We should nurture a heart-to-heart connection with good manners and thoughtfulness not only in a tea room but also in our everyday lives.

Sohga-An (or "planting seeds") represents the culmination of a dream. In 1994 the founder, a Japanese educator schooled in the traditions of the Japanese tea ceremony built a classic tearoom high above 57th Street in Manhattan.

A year earlier, she had brought the Omotesenke tradition of tea practice to the Nippon Club Culture Courses, and wanted to continue planting the seeds of the Omotesenke style of tea culture among American interested in learning orthodox Japanese culture.

For over 20 years she pursued this goal, and since she returned to Japan in 2017, Ruriko Yamakawa has humbly followed in her footsteps teaching the Sohga-an style of Omotesenke tradition. 

「草芽庵」とは、表千家教授 小池マサ子(宗雅)が1994年にマンハッタン中心部に開設した茶室です。アメリカ東部に表千家流茶道を普及という種をまき、芽吹き、やがて花を咲かせるようにとの願いで「草芽庵」と名付けられました。




Ruriko Yamakawa 
Phone: (096) 381-7792